


College Decision-Making

The Top Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a College

The Top Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a College

Concerned about making the wrong choice of college?  Don’t know where to turn next, or what is most important in terms of deciding where to attend college?  At Choose It Right, we totally get it.  Trying to find the right college and make the right decisions associated with this process can be downright stressful.  As such, we have put together some of the most common mistakes students make when choosing a college, which we encourage you to avoid at all costs:

    •    Rushing the process along too quickly – finding the right college fit takes time, effort, research, and oftentimes, lengthy applications.  Waiting until the last minute to start this process off can lead to hasty decision-making, which is never a good idea.  Since your college career is not just a 2 to 4-year decision, but rather a 20 to 40-year decision, we encourage you to start the research process off early and get off on the right foot.

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The “Right” Reasons for Choosing a College

With a couple of million students who are just entering college each year, the statistics unfortunately suggest that many of them chose their college for the wrong reasons.  Whether it be because a school has a nice campus, has a big fraternity scene, or was the “best” school they could get into, it doesn’t matter because each of these choices alone may not be the most ideal for every student.  As such, consider the following “right” reasons for choosing a college, which may be different than what you think:

    1)    The college is affordable – many people do not choose their college based upon the finances.  In fact, a lot of students and their parents blindly fill out financial aid documents without knowing the true impacts of their decisions in this regard.  That is why at Choose It Right, we encourage students to consider their Post-College 1:1 Ratio.  This means that you should look at your intended career and how much you should borrow in light of what your first year earnings will be when you graduate from college.

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